Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Super Bowl 48: How Green Was It?

Nowadays it's expected for major sporting events to take 'green' initiatives seriously. When the NFL first started their environmental program, it focused on recycling as much as possible, what you'd expect. Then about 10 years ago, the NFL voluntarily decided to address the issue of climate change/global warming by examining the Super Bowl's carbon footprint and devising ways to reduce it. For example:
-Tree-planting program
-Purchase of renewable energy credits to compensate for the additional carbon emissions Super Bowl activities cause in the host city

While these actions are definitely a good thing, some argue that the Super Bowl would be a lot greener without the ads. Why? Because those major ads promote consumption and overconsumption is what has led to many of our environmental problems. It's easier to imagine the Super Bowl held in a compostable stadium than it is to imagine the Super Bowl without ads.

I'm sure that in a couple of days we'll hear full details about the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics.

Seahawks, Broncos gear up for super 'green' bowl - NBC News

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